We got a new home not too far from here and are in the process of fixing it up. We have been putting our heart, soul and time into our new home for the past month and still feel like there is a lot left to do. We are needing to be in there by the end of this month. Can we do it? I don't know, right now it seems almost impossible. Jaxon is also turning 2 this week. Amongst all the craziness with this new home, having a new born, and packing I will find the time to have a little birthday party for my handsome young man.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Connor Graham Halbert!
Connor Graham Halbert arrived on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011 at 4:09am. He weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 20 inches long. He happened to be 16 days early so it was a little unexpected, but hey I won't complain. It was around 11:30 pm Monday night when I started to have contractions. They were only 7 minutes apart and not unbearable, so I just tried to ignore them. By the time 12:30 hit they were 2 minutes apart and very unbearable. So I got Jared up and we arrived to the hospital around 1 am. Everything happened pretty quick, except for the last 30 minutes felt like forever. My nurse decided to call the doctor when I was dilated to a 10 and Connor's head was almost out. Did I mention she had to call him at home. He lived 15 minutes away! Oh and did I also mention that he showed up about 25 minutes later because he couldn't find his car keys. I had to lay there for that long squeezing my legs together to try to keep Connor from coming out. As soon as the doctor got there everything went well though. It was 4 pushes and he was out. Over all everything went really good and smooth for me, I feel pretty lucky. We are extremely happy to have Connor in our lives. We now have two precious boys and feel very lucky and blessed. Pictures are to come.
Posted by jc at 11:52 AM 4 comments
Belly Picture at 37 weeks
Sorry I am a little late on posting this, but here is my silly prego picture. I never like taking these pictures they are awkward to me.
Posted by jc at 11:46 AM 2 comments
Transportation Day!
I get this thing through email called the Active Mom Magazine. If you haven't heard of it, it is a magazine that shows a bunch of free or cheap events going on around the valley for a whole month. One of the events that was listed was this Transportation Day. It was this big parking lot full of different vehicles and activities. It was a lot of fun! Jared I think enjoyed it more than Jaxon.
Posted by jc at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Wild life Zoo/ Aquarium trip!
Jared's mom teaches Preschool and they took a field trip a month ago to the Wild Life Zoo/ Aquarium place. She was very kind to invite me and Jaxon along.
Posted by jc at 11:16 AM 1 comments
Just like daddy!
Jaxon loves to do anything Jared is doing. Whenever he see's Jared on his phone, Jaxon always grabs the I-Pod and plays on it. Yes, it is true Jaxon knows how to work the I-Pod. He unlocks it and goes to the game he wants and plays it. Should I be proud or embarrassed, I am not sure. It is dang cute though.
Posted by jc at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Utah Trip!
We went to visit Jared's brother and sister in law in Utah back in January. It was a really nice, relaxing vacation.
Posted by jc at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Jaxon was having a good time helping us put up Christmas lights this past Christmas. He thought it was fun wrapping himself up in them.
Posted by jc at 8:00 AM 2 comments
I love when Jared plays around with his camera. He captures the cutest pictures of my precious baby boy.
Posted by jc at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I found these pictures just now and thought they are too cute not to post. This was a few months ago, Jared was just playing around with his camera.
Posted by jc at 8:51 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 7, 2011
Since I have been a stay at home mom I discovered I love to bake! I am not that great, but it is fun and it is relaxing to me. I like to put my own little twist on recipes just to spruce them up a bit. Also, it is all easy stuff to do. I wanted to share two of my recent foods I have made that turned out super yummy. A couple days ago I was craving muffins, so I pulled out a strawberry muffin mix out of pantry. I thought it would be fun to add some white chocolate chips in the mix to add some more flavor. Then I thought, hey why not melt some white chocolate chips and drizzle that on top of the muffins when they are finished baking. These muffins turned out delicious! I know they aren't the most healthy, but its ok to splurge every once in a while, right? The other twist I did was to pancakes. I tried two different things on these. I used just a regular mix and then added shredded apple and chopped almond. The second time I made them I added mushed bananas instead of the apple. There are supper delicious and actually pretty healthy. If you want them even more healthy, use a whole wheat pancake mix. Anyways, I thought I would share some of my silly little twist in baking.
Posted by jc at 8:56 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Oh darn it! I still have a ton of pictures to download from my camera from a couple months ago. Looks like I will be back tomorrow to do some more updating.
Posted by jc at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Halbert Family Reunion!
I am extremely late on updating! This reunion was back in August. We went to a place near Young, Arizona and stayed for a week. It was a lot of fun and total relaxing.This is what I almost stepped on coming out of our cabin. Did I mention I almost stepped on it several times. This thing kept coming back and hanging out right by our cabin door.
Posted by jc at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
I just looked at Marissa's blog and figured I needed to let people know as well what I am having. Also, I have a new due date and Marissa, I am excited to say that we are due on the same day! April 1st is a good day! I hope if we have our babies both on that day that people will actually believe us, considering it is April Fools Day. We are super excited to have another boy, besides we expected it anyways.
Posted by jc at 10:08 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I am due April 6th! This pregnancy sure has taken me for a ride. I haven't been feeling too great, so I can't wait to get over the first trimester. Just a question for you mom's who have more than one kid. Is it normal to feel guilty and sad for your first born? I have been feeling really bad bringing a second child into the picture because I am afraid I wont pay attention to Jaxon anymore when the baby comes. All day everyday my attention is on Jaxon and I have such an amazing bond with him. Please, I need some reassurance that it wont really be like that when this baby comes. Will this bond me and Jaxon have still remain the same? Will I still pay as much attention to him then as I do now?
Posted by jc at 5:57 PM 10 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Summer Cali Trip 2010
My mom and dad decided it was time for a vacation. I guess because of dad's busy work schedule and mom's busy taking care of me schedule, they figured it was time to get away. I didn't mind. 18 hours in a car seat sounded like a blast. Looking for balloons, cars, and anything else that ran across the windshield. I knew my other friends would be jealous, so I signed up. We stayed in Garden Grove, CA at some fancy hotel dad got off of hotwire.com. Not that I own stock in hotwire, but I figured I'd throw out a name. Right when those big glass doors opened up, I saw a ball in Mickey Mouse's hand and knew I could make this place work.We cruised PCH. From Long Beach to Newport Beach...nothing but fly honnies. The first day we chilled at Newport and I tried get the feel of the sand between my toes down. That was weird. I kept trying to escape the salty dirty feel, but my parent persisted I play in it.
The next day we went out to the Aquarium of the Pacific for a few hours. I never seen a fish bigger than me until that day. It was nice riding in the stroller with the top pulled down looking at all the colored fish. I eventually went out back and saw sharks and stingrays. These things were slimy.
Posted by jc at 6:16 PM 2 comments
Bye Bye Mark May 19th
Jared's brother Mark left to serve a church mission for two years in Riverside, CA. He is going to be speaking(sort of) sign language. We are proud of him and the example he has shown each one of us.
Posted by jc at 6:11 PM 2 comments