We apologize for misbehaving and not updating our blog. We take full responsibility for our actions. Therefore, this time we are making our update extra special and exciting. There have been quite a few events that have occurred in our lives in the past few months. Here are just a few:
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
We went camping with our father and his fiances family up in Woods Canyon Lake for a few days. It was very fun and we got to get to know each other better. It happens. Besides riding around on quads, sitting around the campfire, eating, and playing camping games, we fished. This is obviously what Woods Canyon Lake is all about. After fishing for hours morning and night, we came home with zero fish and zero bites. Next time we'll be sure to use different colored poles and glow in the dark fishing line.
Posted by jc at 8:15 PM 0 comments
We had the opportunity to attend a Halbert Family Vaca this past week and a half. The Vaca took place in Nauvoo, IL and Branson, MO. This was a good opportunity to get to know our family members better and enjoy each others company. We had peeps from Reno, NV and even Tucson, AZ. Here are some events that occurred:Toured Carthage Jail. The place where Joseph Smith was martyred.
The Beautiful Nauvoo Temple.
As you all now the pioneers back in the day had to make everything by hand. This is a picture of me and Jared struggling as we try to make our own rope. I don't think we would have done too well as pioneers.Shaun, Jared, Brandon, and Erin, Brandon's girlfriend, playing like the pioneers.
Yep, he actually ended up falling in love with me.
Well what do you know, we even look cute dressed as pioneers.
Taking a tour through the Caverns.
Trail walking through the pretty woods.
We took a duck ride on this odd looking vehicle. The reason why they call it the duck ride is because one second you are driving on land, then the next you are driving through the water in the middle of a lake.
We also went to a billion amusement parks. One was a water park.....bangin. There was entertainment every night, so we went to three different shows. Singing, dancing, music, and what not. We call it a Las Vegas for AARP subscribers. One of the many restaurants we ate at was called Lamberts. In this restaurant they served hot yummy rolls. When a roll was wanted, all you had to do was yell, "Roll" and a roll came flying through the air. Another restaurant we ate at was one where the waiters and waitresses would sing to you while you ate. Every few minutes a waiter or waitress would grab the mic and bust a jam. One of the fellas was on American Idol this last season.
More pics are to come.
Posted by jc at 5:57 PM 1 comments
Most of you know my precious niece Abby. She had her very first dance concert this past weekend, that Jared and I attended to. We went straight home from the airport on Saturday evening from our very long family vacation to drop off our stuff, then headed right over to the dance concert. She was dress in a cute little mouse outfit, with her hair all curly. She was such an angel. It was totally worth going to see.
Posted by jc at 5:23 PM 2 comments