Jared was on a softball league on Wednesday nights with Greg, my brother-in-law. He was making his way to third base and realized he wasn't going to make it unless he slid. Sure enough he slid into third and was safe, I was so proud! Well after wards when the inning was over he came to me and showed me that he had a scrape on his ankle from sliding. Well, instead of cleaning it out right away he kept playing the rest of the game, collecting dirt, and all kinds of other bacteria in it. We got home he cleaned it out somewhat and went to bed. The next day he went to work and sweated all day, didn't clean his scrape out when he got home, typical guy. This went on for a few days until one night Jared's mom and I noticed that his ankle was red. He took his shoe off to check out the scenes and to his surprise he was looking at a swollen, bright red, infected foot. We stop by my cousin Rae Lynn's house, which is a Per emetic, and she checked it out. She was very concerned and called my other cousin Brian, who is a foot doctor, for some advice. Brian ended up calling in a prescription for Jared and we picked it up that night. After a week of taking the antibiotics, progress has been made. Jared's foot was actually looking normal again. But then something strange happened. Jared was getting into the shower one night and came out of the bathroom saying, "now Candice if I show you this please don't tell me I have to go to the ER." Well I was worried. He stood in front of me and this is what I saw....
We called my cousin as soon as I saw it. She suggested that he should take Benadryl for the hives to go away. He ended up taking two doses that night. He woke up the next morning only to see that it was worse. Finally making a decision, he decided to go to the ER. It took a trip to the ER and $100 later only to find out that it was an allergic reaction to the medicine he had been taking. A few days past and the hives started to clear up. I actually didn't have a poke-a-dot man for a husband anymore! I guess because he thought it wasn't the biggest cut that it didn't need attention. So just for a heads up, even with the slightest, smallest cuts you never know what could end up happening. Take care of it right away!
10 years ago
I love the picture of J.
First off it's spelled paramedic!not per emetic! you silly girl did you ever pay attention in school?
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