Yesterday I turned the big 21! I have thought a lot about my life lately and what I have accomplished in it. Some things I am not so proud of and several things I am proud of. Here is a list of some things I have accomplished in my 21 years of life:
1. I have traveled to many different places.
*Me and Tori Houston and my cousin Rae Lynn once drove all the way to Main. We stopped in several states on the way. A few that I remember were: New Mexico, Texas (were we got into a huge tornado warning), Oklahoma, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Main. I know there was more I just can't remember, I was 11. I have been to Branson, Missouri, Nauvoo, Illinois, California, Florida(Disney World), Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Mexico, and more.
2. I have been on a cruise to the Bahama's
3. I graduated High School
4. I danced all through Jr. High and High School and now.
5. I bought my very first car all on my own when I was 18 yrs old. (Honda Accord)
6. I have owned over 100 pairs of shoes (not sure if that is something to be proud of though).
7. I have broken my left wrist once, my right elbow twice, sprained my ankle who knows how many times, and have been in 3 car accidents.
8. I have meant and befriended many outstanding people all throughout my life time!
9. I meant a wonderful, amazing, smoking hot guy and married him in the temple!
10. I now have the most precious little baby boy, who has truely changed my life!
10 years ago
Happy (belated) 21st Candice! (I did could I forget a birthday twin with Audrey...but didn't make it on in time to wish it to you!) Hope your first birthday as a mother was great!
Candice- you are too cute. I can't wait to see you on Thursday!! Miss you and love you lots!! I hope your bday was a special one!
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