Who would of thought that parenting could be so tiring? Jaxon is actually a pretty good baby. He only wakes up once throughout the night, usually around 4 or 4:30 am. The thing that is so tiring though is when he does wake up; he is a wake for like an hour and a half. After I feed him I change his diaper before I lay him down again. His favorite thing he likes to do is pee all over the place, I think just so he can get an extra 20 minutes alone time with mommy before he goes back to sleep. He is so thoughtful! During the rest of the night, he believes it is very important to keep his voice box strong even when sleeping. Here and there he will do a few puppy dog barks or baby goat sounds. Also, he likes to throw up and try to swallow it, which leads to choking noises. That just gives me a heart attack every time. So you can see that with a baby there doesn't come much sleep. This leads to black circles, wait no that is not right, I'll say black, giant, bags under my eyes and exhaustion during the day time. Like I have said before though, it is all worth it! Plus, I love to see the little moments like this...
10 years ago
Oh how precious! I love it! it's so wierd to think of my younger brother as a dad, but I know he is a good daddy to sweet little Jaxon.
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